Version (Demo Build) September 15th, 2019: (Changes From Vanilla)
--Enemies are stonger variants as well as more of them.
--Better Weapon placements/rewards for exploration. More Guardian weapons to find.
--Improved Guardian AI, Stronger armor and more resistant to non-guardian type weapons. Guardians can actually hear you and sense you better. Improved awareness. Sight range buffed significantly to induce more wearyness to the player.
--Guardian Stalker legs are more resilient to Non-Guardian Variant weapons
--New Plateau mini puzzle
--Finisher for standard attacks now have a 1.2 damage muliplier, All Claymore attacks deal 1.2 times the damage and Clamore finisher set to 1.3x damage. Spin Attack deals x2 damage for all weapons. Jump Strike deals 1.5x Damage all weapons.
--Glide speed improved.
--Swim Speed Improved
--Weapon slot starting count set to 40. Shield slot starting count 20, Bow slot starting count 15/ v5 ^ \: ^9 I+ K& U
--Max weapon slot count for each type: Sword 100, Sheild 100, Bow 80.
--You no longer have to talk with the old man after raising the plateau tower.
--Version (Demo Release) October 18th, 2019
--Updated Plateau LevelSensor(Enemy and Weapon Scaling)
--Royal weapons tier now will upgrade to Royal Guards tier(RG weapons improved). Some(Not all) of the unique weapon types like elemental and rusty weapons now can scale to RG tier." k) L6 W' m& Q1 s' @0 y% L
--Minor Guardian AI tweaks(Please report any bugs)