Current Territory Gold and Rations 9999999|当前势力金钱9999999
Current Territory Rations 9999999|当前势力军粮9999999
Press <L3+R3> to Limit Time max|按 <L3+R3> 限制时间最大
K.O.99999|KO数 99999
Chain 99999|连击数 99999
Infinite Arrow Use|无限箭矢使用
Max Player Musou|角色无限无双
Special Skill No Cooldown|特殊技无需冷却
Infinite Action Power|无限行动力
Current Territory Gold and Rations 9999999|当前势力金钱9999999
Current Territory Rations 9999999|当前势力军粮9999999
Press <L3+R3> to Limit Time Max|按 <L3+R3> 限制时间最大
K.O.99999|KO数 99999
Chain 99999|连击数 99999
Infinite Arrow Use|无限箭矢使用
Max Player Musou|角色无限无双
Special Skill No Cooldown|特殊技无需冷却
Infinite Action Power|无限行动力
Merit Max on Earn|功绩最大获得
Compansionship Max on Increasing|友好度增加时最大
Reputation Max on Earn|名声获得时最大
Infinite Jump|无限跳跃
Player Super Speed|角色可高速移动
Infinite Player Health|角色无限生命
Player Army Stength 200000|我方兵力200000维持
Current Territory Gold and Rations 9999999|当前势力金钱9999999
Current Territory Rations 9999999|当前势力军粮9999999
Press <L3+R3> to Limit Time Max|按 <L3+R3> 限制时间最大
K.O.99999|KO数 99999
Chain 99999|连击数 99999
Infinite Arrow Use|无限箭矢使用
Max Player Musou|角色无限无双
Special Skill No Cooldown|特殊技无需冷却
Infinite Action Power|无限行动力
Merit Max on Earn|功绩最大获得
Compansionship Max on Increasing|友好度增加时最大
Reputation Max on Earn|名声获得时最大
Infinite Jump|无限跳跃
Player Super Speed|角色可高速移动
Infinite Player Health|角色无限生命
Player Army Stength 200000|我方兵力200000维持
Player Moon Jump|角色超级跳跃
Player Invincible|角色无敌状态
One Hit Kill|一击必杀