Dying Light: Platinum Edition | v1.0.3
Increased draw distance for textures and objects to 1.5 default was 0.6, seems to apply to shadow cast distance too
Shadow Map size increased from 512 to 1024 as it doesn't hit performance significantly.
Use max GPU/CPU OC
Not tested in other versions
If you want to tweaks it differently or add other stuff open Data3.pak with 7z, use "Extract to Data3/", the resulting folder should be "Data3/data/settings/defaultvideo_nx.scr" edit defaultvideo_nx.scr with a notepad, repack compressing back to zip with 7z, rename .zip to .pak, restart and try.
If you want research for other graphic mods you need dump Data0.pak, it does contains all the other settings, simply copy your edits (keeping the same folder extructure) over Data3.pak
机翻:消逝的光芒:白金版|版本1.0.3将纹理和对象的绘制距离增加到 1.5 默认值为 0.6,似乎也适用于阴影投射距离
阴影贴图的大小从 512 增加到 1024,因为它不会显著影响性能。
使用最大 GPU/CPU OC 未在其他版本中进行测试 如果要以不同的方式进行调整或添加其他内容,请使用7z打开Data3.pak,使用"提取到 Data3/",生成的文件夹应为"Data3/data/settings/defaultvideo_nx.scr",使用记事本编辑defaultvideo_nx.scr,用 7z 重新打包压缩回 zip,.zip重命名为 .pak, 重新启动并尝试。如果你想研究其他图形模组,你需要转储Data0.pak,它确实包含所有其他设置,只需在Data3.pak上复制你的编辑(保持相同的文件夹extructure)。https://gbatemp.net/threads/dyin ... 05021/#post-9698698